Governments around the world are over increasingly recognising the value of risk-informed and responsive social protection systems as a strategic priority in mitigating the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic is the latest global crisis to test the responsiveness of the world’s social protection systems, but it is not the last or worst shock that national capabilities should anticipate. The challenges facing health, education, and social protection systems are amplifying the crisis with immediate and long-term social and economic consequences for poor and vulnerable groups. Strengthening responsive social protection systems offers the potential to mitigate the short-term impacts while contributing to building the resilience of people to future threats and crisis.

Through an integrated collaboration of EPRI faculty, social protection experts, professionals and peers, you will strengthen your social protection knowledge and skills, and explore new ways to adapt social protection policies and programmes to achieve more effective and developmental impact better. The programme is suited to a broad audience of policymakers, practitioners, researchers and project managers who are already working or will be working in the area of social protection.

This is the common platform where all course announcements, resources and programme documents can be accessed by the ITP participants, country experts and regional mentors.

Governments around the world are over increasingly recognising the value of risk-informed and responsive social protection systems as a strategic priority in mitigating the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic is the latest global crisis to test the responsiveness of the world’s social protection systems, but it is not the last or worst shock that national capabilities should anticipate. The challenges facing health, education, and social protection systems are amplifying the crisis with immediate and long-term social and economic consequences for poor and vulnerable groups. Strengthening responsive social protection systems offers the potential to mitigate the short-term impacts while contributing to building the resilience of people to future threats and crisis.

Through an integrated collaboration of EPRI faculty, social protection experts, professionals and peers, you will strengthen your social protection knowledge and skills, and explore new ways to adapt social protection policies and programmes to achieve more effective and developmental impact better. The programme is suited to a broad audience of policymakers, practitioners, researchers and project managers who are already working or will be working in the area of social protection.

Invited Countries: Cambodia, Mozambique, Rwanda, Sudan, Zimbabwe

The ITP specifically aims to reinforce the competence of participating strategic individuals to carry out necessary reforms and policy, programme, and organisational changes within the partner country’s social protection systems while building developmental linkages to other policy sectors. 

The aim and overall objective of the International Training Programme (ITP) is a long-term and sustainable contribution to a more inclusive and equal society by improving the function of the social protection systems that tackle poverty, vulnerability, inequality (both gender and economic) and exclusion while strengthening delivery of inclusive social development, productive employment and equitable economic growth.

ITP322: Social Protection for Sustainable Development Programme

The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), Arbetsförmedlingen (the Swedish Public Employment Service) and the Economic Policy Research Institute (EPRI) welcome you to the International Training Programme on Social Protection for Sustainable Development. Trusting that the training programme will contribute to the development of social protection system in your country, the training programme offers participants support to strengthen, adapt and maintain capacity over time to implement progressively a medium-term change programme that strengthens the capacity of the national social protection system to work more effectively.

The aim and the overall objective of the International Training Programme (ITP) is a long-term and sustainable contribution to a more inclusive and equal society by improving the function of the social protection systems that tackle poverty, vulnerability, inequality (both gender and economic) and exclusion while strengthening the delivery of inclusive social development, productive employment and equitable economic growth.

ITP322: Social Protection for Sustainable Development Programme

The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), Arbetsförmedlingen (the Swedish Public Employment Service) and the Economic Policy Research Institute (EPRI) welcome you to the International Training Programme on Social Protection for Sustainable Development. Trusting that the training programme will contribute to the development of the social protection system in your country, the training programme offers participants support to strengthen, adapt and maintain capacity over time to implement progressively a medium-term change programme that strengthens the capacity of the national social protection system to work more effectively.

The aim and overall objective of the International Training Programme (ITP) is a long-term and sustainable contribution to a more inclusive and equal society by improving the function of the social protection systems that tackle poverty, vulnerability, inequality (both gender and economic) and exclusion while strengthening the delivery of inclusive social development, productive employment and equitable economic growth.